Corner Drawers
Western Dovetail is in your corner!
The first dovetailed corner drawer was developed by Western Dovetail for Blum to launch their SPACE CORNER concept in 2005. Since then, Western Dovetail has been the lead the industry to new heights with angled dovetails, curved front drawers and just about anything the customers can dream up. So if you have special drawer needs, count on Western Dovetail, the pioneers of odd shaped drawers to get it done right!

The original Blum Corner Drawer

The Chevron Corner Drawer

The Wide Angle Corner Drawer

Corner the Market!
Standard Corner drawers are available now!
Get a new angle
with angled front drawers at any angle from 40-180 deg. Curved front are available with a variety of options. Simply provide a drawing, template, or detailed specifications

Throw us a curve
with Western Dovetail Curved drawers available with concave or convex fronts.